In Photoshop Lightroom 2 Essential Training, Chris Orwig explores Adobe's professional toolbox for image organization, processing, and output. He demonstrates effective use of catalogs, collections, keywords, and filters in the Library module; image correction and enhancement with the Develop module; and publishing the results via the Slideshow, Print, and Web modules. Chris also shares a wealth of creative tips and workflow techniques for capturing and processing stunning photographs. Example files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Understanding Lightroom's interface, modules, and new features
* Importing photos from a folder, camera, or memory card
* Sharing catalogs between multiple computers
* Sorting and filtering with flags, ratings, labels, and other attributes
* Correcting white balance, tone, saturation, and clarity with the Basic panel
* Cropping, straightening, and retouching with the Tool Strip
* Fixing color and exposure with the Adjustment Brush tool and HSL controls
* Converting to black and white
* Sharpening, reducing noise, and removing chromatic aberration
* Understanding lens correction and camera calibration
* Fine-tuning portrait, travel, and nature photography workflows
* Integrating with Photoshop
Table Of Contents
Lightroom overview
Using the example files
1. Getting Started
Photographic workflow puzzle
Why use Lightroom?
Lightroom and Photoshop
Lightroom resource links
New features in Lightroom 2
2. Setting the Stage
The Lightroom modules
Essential interface shortcuts
Customizing the Identity Plate and Module Picker
Changing the panel end marks
Changing the image background
Modifying other interface preferences
Dual monitor support
3. The Library: Importing Images
Importing and file formats
Importing preferences
Importing photos from a folder
Importing photos from a CF card
Using Auto Import
Using multiple hard drives
Creative tip 1: Handling your camera
4. The Library: Essentials
The Navigator
Working in the Grid and Loupe views
Comparing two images
Surveying multiple images
The toolbar
Working with catalogs
Exporting catalogs
Defining catalogs
Importing catalogs from laptop to desktop
Sharing catalogs between multiple computers
Using multiple catalogs to optimize performance
Creative tip 2: Backing up your hard drive
5. The Library: Processing Images
Quick Develop: White balance
Quick Develop: Image workflow
Synchronizing settings
6. The Library: Organizing Images
Flagging, rating, and labeling pt. 1
Flagging, rating, and labeling pt. 2
Using Quick Collection
Smart Collections
7. The Library: Working with Metadata
Adding keywords
Creating keyword sets
Using keyword shortcuts
Synchronizing keywords
Keywording with the Painter tool
Creative tip 3: Taking wide-angle shots
8. The Library: Finding and Sorting with Filters
Filtering overview
Filtering by text
Filtering by attribute
Filtering metadata by keyword
9. The Library: Exporting Images
Exporting files
External editing preferences
Editing inside Photoshop
Opening an image as a Smart Object in Photoshop
Editing multiple images in Photoshop as layers
Creating a panorama
10. The Develop Module: Introduction
Develop module overview and essential shortcuts
Using the Develop module presets
Comparing the before and after
Using the Snapshots and History panels
Using the Histogram panel
Creative tip 4: Shooting in perspective
11. The Develop Module: Using the Basic Panel
Correcting white balance
Complicated white balance made easy
Customizing white balance
Demystifying the Tone controls
Using the Tone controls
Understanding vibrance and saturation
Using the Vibrance and Saturation controls
Creating and using virtual copies
Understanding clarity
Using the clarity controls
Typical Basic panel workflow
12. The Develop Module: Using the Tool Strip Tools
Crop overlay
Straightening with the Crop tool
Perspective, composition, and crop aspect ratio
Retouching with the Spot Removal tool
Retouching dust on a lens
Fixing red-eye
Using the Graduated Filter tool
13. The Develop Module: Using the Adjustment Brush
Adjustment Brush tool overview
Working with color
Whitening teeth
Enhancing makeup color
Creative color adjustments
Smoothing skin
Burning and dodging
Fixing exposure
Creative tip 5: Understanding f-stop
14. The Develop Module: Modifying Tone Curve
Demystifying the Tone Curve controls
Correcting an image with the Tone Curve panel
15. The Develop Module: Using HSL and Color
Understanding the HSL controls
Using HSL to brighten based on color
Creative color with HSL
Desaturating color with HSL
Using the Color panel
Creative tip 6: Take your camera everywhere
16. The Develop Module: Converting to Grayscale
Converting to black and white
Modify black-and-white tone with the Grayscale panel
Enhancing black and white with other tools
Using presets to convert to black and white
Creative black and white
17. The Develop Module: Split Toning
Split Toning essentials
Advanced Split Toning tips
Split Toning a color image
18. The Develop Module: Improving Details
Reducing noise in a grayscale photo
Reducing noise in a color photo
Sharpening in Lightroom
Advanced sharpening in Lightroom and Photoshop
Removing chromatic aberration
Creative tip 7: Zooming effectively
19. The Develop Module: Creating Vignettes
Using the Lens Correction controls
Using the Post-Crop controls
Combining Post-Crop and Lens Correction
20. The Develop Module: Using Camera Calibration
Understanding Camera Calibration in Lightroom
Creative color with Camera Calibration
21. Develop Module Workflows
About this chapter
Portrait: Enhancements
Travel: Black and white
Surfing: Cleanup
Nature: Creative color
Portrait: Creative color
22. Slideshows
Slideshows and Collections
Using Slideshow templates
Customizing the background
Customizing the overlay elements
Customizing titles and playback
Creating a custom template
Exporting as JPG or PDF
23. Printing
Printing and Collections
Using Print templates
Customizing images settings and layout
Customizing guides and overlays
Picture Package
Creating a custom Print template
Print job settings
24. Web Options
Web resource overview
Selecting images with the Library and Smart Collections
Choosing a Web Gallery template
Output settings
Saving your template and exporting
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